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Nov 27 - Dec 1

Monday, Nov 27: Students will begin research for their embedded assessment: your assignment is to write an essay that explains the role of advertising in the lives of youths. For the essay, you may use the articles within unit 2 AND at least one additional text that you have researched. Some topics may include (pick one): Food commercials Violence on TV, video games, or commercials, gender roles as represented by the media, video games and their impact on kids, the use of social media, TV and kids under the age of 3, electronic media and the impact on sleep patterns, media and the impact on student grades, or any other topic that can be researched.

Tuesday, Nov 28: Students researching for their embedded assessment

Wednesday, Nov 29: Students begin working on their essay with an outline for their paper if they need it.

Thursday, Nov 30: Students finishing their embedded assessment today.

Friday, Dec 1: Vocab test #9 today. Half day library day. Any students needing extra time to complete their assignment will be given time today to turn in their paper.

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